[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, the public welfare culture in mainland China can be divided into two ideal types, that is, "sad public welfare" and "happy public welfare". The typical cases are "Hope Project" and "one kilogram more" respectively. " "tragic public welfare" advocates the value concept of selfless dedication, mainly based on altruistic motivation, the majority of the participating groups are middle-aged and senior citizens, most of them adopt indirect participation mode, the incentive mode mainly depends on moral encouragement, and the interaction of process is authority-type interaction. The threshold of participation is high, the communication-oriented emphasis on the tragic situation of the recipient, public interest participation is full of solemn and tragic style. " "Happy public welfare" pursues people-oriented, micro-benefits, and shows a complex motivation of combining egoism and altruism. The participating groups are mainly young people, adopting more direct ways of participation, and paying more attention to individual spiritual satisfaction. The process interaction is participatory, respecting the expression of the self-interest of the recipient, the threshold of participation is lower, the communication-oriented emphasis on the physical and mental experience of the donor, and the public interest participation is relaxed and happy. The change of public welfare culture is the result of many factors, such as economic development, technological progress and environment at home and abroad.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学公共管理学院;
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