[Abstract]:With the development of market economy system and the change of social structure, the traditional government governance model has been difficult to adapt to the needs of social management, and various government departments began to pay more attention to the scope of social management. Among them, it is very important to attach importance to and promote the healthy and orderly development of social organizations. Among all kinds of social organizations, the youth social organizations have flourished and received much attention, showing a good development trend. However, it is not difficult for us to find that the youth social organizations have also exposed many problems in the course of their development. Both to the organization itself and to participate in the practice of social governance innovation, it is a difficult problem that needs to be squarely faced and solved. This article takes the youth social organization of Hanjiang district as the research object, follows the research train of thought of "putting forward problems-analyzing the reasons-putting forward the countermeasure", adopts the method of literature analysis, investigation and research, and draws lessons from the method of comparison and reference. Based on the theoretical achievements of foreign and domestic relevant research fields, this paper puts forward some outstanding problems of youth social organizations in Hanjiang District, such as unclear organizational identity, rough management, lack of resource elements, and healthy competition has not yet been formed, and so on. Based on the advanced experience of the development of youth social organizations at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the improvement of government service management system and mechanism, and strengthens the guiding service role of the Communist Youth League organizations. Suggestions on improving the self-development ability of youth social organizations. As a new form of youth development and gathering, the youth social organization has become the focus of all walks of life. Taking Hanjiang District as an example, this paper comprehensively analyzes the outstanding problems and the main causes of its formation in the process of development, puts forward feasible countermeasures and suggestions, and hopes to provide guidance for the healthy and orderly development of youth social organizations in Xingjiang District. Let the youth social organizations become the source of vitality for the development of the Hanjiang River.
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