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发布时间:2019-07-07 19:38
[Abstract]:Emergencies refer to natural disasters, accidents, public health events and social security events that occur suddenly, cause or may cause serious social hazards, and need to take emergency measures to deal with them. Emergencies have the characteristics of sudden, serious social harmfulness, uncertainty of development, publicity, urgency of disposal and so on, so their emergency disposal should also have its particularity. In the process of emergency management in our country, there are some problems, such as imperfect government emergency management system, lack of crisis consciousness and so on. The government information disclosure in emergency response is different from the government information disclosure in the conventional social form, so it needs to be studied and discussed. There are some problems in the disclosure of government information in China, such as the limitation of the legal system, the negative influence of the dislocation of government functions, the influence of social forces on the disclosure of government information, and so on. For any government, it is one of its legal obligations to respect the right to know of every citizen. In the process of emergency management, the government should fully protect citizens' right to know. When a particularly serious accident occurs in the country and citizens need to meet their right to know, the perfect system of government information disclosure in emergency management is particularly urgent. Starting from the case of emergency, this study expounds the concept, characteristics, types and problems existing in the response to emergencies, and further discusses the theoretical basis of government information disclosure in emergency response, as well as the practice and predicament of government information disclosure in China when emergencies occur. Finally, drawing lessons from the experience of government information disclosure in foreign emergencies, this paper puts forward some suggestions to promote the disclosure of government information in emergency response in China.


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