发布时间:2019-08-01 16:25
[Abstract]:Government regulation policy plays an important role in toll road industry management, but the failure of policy implementation brings a series of problems to standardize the development of toll road industry. The key to deepening the reform of toll road administrative management system lies in continuously promoting the transformation of government functions, organically combining government decentralization, optimization of service, realizing the fundamental transformation of the establishment and operation mechanism of toll road management institutions to scientific, standardized and legalized, ensuring that the government fully performs its functions and exercising the administrative power of toll roads in accordance with the law.
【作者单位】: 长安大学经济与管理学院;山东交通职业学院;
[Abstract]:Government regulation policy plays an important role in toll road industry management, but the failure of policy implementation brings a series of problems to standardize the development of toll road industry. The key to deepening the reform of toll road administrative management system lies in continuously promoting the transformation of government functions, organically combining government decentralization, optimization of service, realizing the fundamental transformation of the establishment and operation mechanism of toll road management institutions to scientific, standardized and legalized, ensuring that the government fully performs its functions and exercising the administrative power of toll roads in accordance with the law.
【作者单位】: 长安大学经济与管理学院;山东交通职业学院;
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