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发布时间:2018-05-12 23:38

  本文选题:创业板 + 上市首日收益 ; 参考:《北京工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国上市公司上市首日收益率远高于其他国家(地区)的平均水平,并且一直是中国股票市场发展与制度改革讨论中的一个热点问题。随着中国创业板的正式开盘,随之而来的就是创业板上市首日超额收益问题。IPO在首日出现高收益率的现象严重降低了股票市场的融资及资源配置功能,因此文章利用国外已有的理论和中国创业板新股发行市场的数据,,结合中国创业板新股发行市场自身发展特点,从实证方面对这种现象进行研究,分析其影响因素和来源,找出现存问题,以期能为资本市场的健康发展做出贡献。 文章首先简要对中国创业板进行概述。然后用方差分析研究不同上市时间及行业对中国创业板上市首日收益率的影响,用因子分析将其影响因素进行分组评价。然后将首日收益率分解为一级市场抑价率和二级市场溢价率。用回归分析分别研究一级市场抑价率和二级市场溢价率的影响因素。最后用偏相关分析研究首日开盘价的形成及影响。最后得出中国创业板上市首日超额收益现象产生原因为首日开盘价过高引起的。虽然首日收盘价相对于首日开盘价趋于合理,但在首日开盘前的集合竞价阶段,已经将首日开盘价拉高,所以即使通过在上市首日实行严格的盘中暂时停盘制度来抑制二级市场的溢价,也没能将创业板上市首日收益率稳定在合理范围内。所以下一轮新股发行制度改革的重点应当放在首日交易制度上,尤其是首日开盘前的集合竞价阶段。
[Abstract]:The first-day return rate of Chinese listed companies is much higher than the average level of other countries (regions), and it has been a hot issue in the discussion of the development of Chinese stock market and system reform. With the formal opening of the gem in China, the problem of excess returns on the first day of the gem listing. The phenomenon of high yield on the first day of IPO seriously reduces the function of financing and resource allocation in the stock market. Therefore, this paper makes use of the existing theories abroad and the data of the new issue market of China's growth Enterprise Board, and combines the characteristics of the new issue market of China's growth Enterprise Board to study this phenomenon from the empirical aspect, and analyzes its influencing factors and sources. Identify existing problems in order to contribute to the healthy development of capital markets. This paper first briefly summarizes the gem of China. Then we use variance analysis to study the influence of different listing time and industry on the first day return rate of China growth Enterprise Market (gem). Factor analysis is used to evaluate the influencing factors. Then the first day yield is decomposed into primary market underpricing rate and secondary market premium rate. The influencing factors of primary market underpricing rate and secondary market premium rate were studied by regression analysis. Finally, the formation and influence of the opening price on the first day are studied by partial correlation analysis. Finally, it is concluded that the cause of excess return on the first day of gem listing is the high opening price on the first day. Although the closing price on the first day of trading tends to be reasonable relative to the opening price on the first day of trading, it has already increased the opening price of the first day at the stage of collective bidding before the opening of the first day of trading. So even if the strict market suspension system is implemented on the first day of the market to restrain the premium of the secondary market, it can not stabilize the yield on the first day of gem listing within a reasonable range. Therefore, the focus of the next round of new issue system reform should be on the first day trading system, especially on the first day before the opening of the collective bidding stage.


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