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发布时间:2018-05-29 01:26

  本文选题:利率市场化 + 东亚银行(中国) ; 参考:《南京大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放三十年来,中国银行业的发展也随之一并快速成长和发展成熟。中国银行业已一改过去“大一统”的局面,无论是资产规模还是参与的经营体都呈现出快速增长和百花齐放的局面。当下的中国银行业既有国有控股大型商业银行、也有全国性股份制商业银行、外资银行和城市商业银行、农村信用社等大大小小银行业金融机构近千家,甚至部分银行已经走向了海外拓展之路。 但是,无论是内资银行还是外资银行经营收入中息差占比依然较高,而这部分收入就是长期以来“利率管制”所造成的天然垄断。2010年10月关于“利率市场化的改革”已经被正式写入我国“十二五”规划,这将对未来中国银行业的竞争格局和所有银行业的参与者都将产生重大影响。 纵观国际,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家在利率市场化改革前后的金融体系都会出现剧变,这种剧变不仅体现在一些体制风险会暴露出来,更多的体现于经营和发展的新机遇。而如何改变未来银行业格局,如何取得先发优势就在于当下各商业银行如何尽早尽快创造“差异性”的竞争战略。 东亚银行(中国)有限公司作为首批在华成立的外资银行法人机构已在中国内地深耕90余年。凭借其悠久的经营历史、良好的政府公共关系管理经验和庞大的内地分支行网络以及“本地化”的金融战略,东亚银行(中国)自成立之日起已经连续获得了多项外资银行“第一”。 但作为在华经营的外资银行同样需要面对利率市场化改革所带来的冲击。如何能够在冲击中占得先机,取得竞争优势就必须制定和贯彻良好的竞争战略。通过准确的市场定位、有效地运营活动、丰富的金融产品创新、良好的人力资源管理、稳健的风险管理机制相互协作,取得最大化的收益。 本文首先回顾了中国利率市场化改革的动因,从经济原理和国内外学者的研究中得出利率市场化改革的必然性。同时通过发达国家和发展中国家利率市场化改革的对比吸取经验教训,探讨我国利率市场化改革的方向。接着分析了我国银行业发展的现状和利率市场化改革对内外资银行所带来的影响,以期为分析东亚银行(中国)的竞争战略做铺垫。通过上述分析,进一步论述东亚银行(中国)目前的发展现状和市场地位,并给予利率市场化条件下的竞争优势,制定出未来的竞争战略和实施规划。 论文按从当下回顾历史,再从当下展望未来的思路,结合运用经济学,管理学,市场营销学和人力资源管理学等方面的理论和知识,并结合笔者的工作实际进行分析和研究。
[Abstract]:In the past thirty years of reform and opening up, the development of China's banking industry has also grown rapidly and mature. The Chinese bank has changed the situation of "great unity" in the past. Both the asset scale and the involved operation have shown a rapid growth and a hundred flowers bloom. The current Chinese Banking industry has a large commercial bank of state-owned holdings. Also, there are national joint-stock commercial banks, foreign banks and urban commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives and other large and small banking financial institutions, and even some banks have gone on the road of overseas expansion.
However, the income of domestic and foreign banks is still higher, and this part of the income is the natural monopoly caused by "interest rate control" for a long time. In October, the "reform of interest rate marketization" has been formally written to the "12th Five-Year" plan in China, which will compete for China's banking industry in the future. The pattern of competition and all participants in the banking industry will have a significant impact.
Throughout the world, there will be a dramatic change in the financial system of the developed and developing countries before and after the reform of the interest rate marketization. This upheaval is not only reflected in the exposure of some institutional risks, but more in the new opportunities for management and development. How can the following commercial banks create competitive strategy as soon as possible?
As the first foreign bank corporation established in China, the Bank of East Asia (China) Limited has ploughed into the mainland of China for more than 90 years. With its long history, good government public relations management experience, a large mainland branch network and the "localization" financial strategy, the Bank of East Asia (China) has been established since its founding. A number of foreign banks "first" have been continuously obtained.
But as the foreign banks operating in China, the foreign banks also need to face the impact of the reform of interest rate marketization. How can we make up and carry out a good competitive strategy in the impact and obtain competitive advantages. Through accurate market positioning, effective operation, rich and rich financial products innovation and good human resource management Rational and stable risk management mechanisms cooperate with each other to maximize revenue.
This paper first reviews the motivation of the reform of China's interest rate marketization, and draws the inevitability of the reform of interest rate marketization from the economic principle and the study of scholars at home and abroad. At the same time, through the comparison of the reform of interest rate marketization between developed countries and developing countries, the direction of the market-oriented reform in China's rate of interest rate is discussed. The present situation of the development of the banking industry and the impact of the reform of the interest rate marketization on the domestic and foreign banks in order to make a paving for the analysis of the competitive strategy of the Bank of East Asia (China). Through the above analysis, the present situation and market status of the East Asian Bank (China) are further discussed, and the competitive advantage under the conditions of the interest rate marketization is given. The competition strategy and the implementation plan.
By reviewing the history from the present, and looking forward to the future, the thesis combines the theory and knowledge of economics, management, marketing and human resource management, and analyzes and studies the practice in combination with the author's work.


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