[Abstract]:"sharehold-based payments" shall be referred to as share payments, A transaction in which an enterprise acquires services provided by its employees or third parties by granting equity instruments or assuming liabilities (determined on the basis of equity instruments). In 2006, China issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 11-share payment Standards for the first time. It has put an end to the lack of unified accounting standards for stock payment transactions in China for a long time and provided theoretical and practical guidance for enterprises to apply the incentive mechanism of share payment. However, although our country's "share payment" standard was issued on the basis of drawing lessons from the international financial reporting standard and combining with the relevant regulatory regulations, it may not have fully considered the current actual situation in our country. There are some defects, such as simplification and fuzziness, which not only affect the correct use of the criterion, but also make the criterion become the tool of profit manipulation. The purpose of this paper is to try to solve the problems of simplification and fuzziness of the current Standard of share payment in China, to eliminate the place where the criterion is not suitable for the present economic situation of our country, and to make it widely and practically applied through perfecting the criterion. Better serve our country's economic construction and social development. This article takes the stock payment transaction in the enterprise incentive as the research object, uses the quantitative and qualitative combination, empirical analysis and other research methods, on the basis of the analysis and comparison of the domestic and foreign stock payment standards, This paper makes a concrete research and analysis on the accounting treatment and application of the stock payment transaction in the enterprise incentive, and empirically studies the stock payment transaction process at the practical operation level. In order to help the relevant government supervision department and listed company to formulate the incentive system of stock payment in accordance with the development of the company, and to help the enterprise deal with the accounting and tax problems involved in the transaction of share payment reasonably. In this paper, we should build a standardized manager market and capital market, strengthen market supervision, strive to create an external environment conducive to the development of share payment transactions, and build a reasonable internal management and control mechanism. We should strengthen the vocational education of the relevant personnel, further revise and perfect the standards of share payment in our country, and take a series of measures to ensure the effective use of the incentive mechanism of share payment by enterprises in accordance with the actual economic and social conditions of our country. The creative achievement of this paper is to break through all kinds of theoretical debates on the confirmation of share payment and to make a comprehensive comparative study of the standards at home and abroad so as to provide operational advice for the standard of share payment based on the view of expenses. Based on the empirical analysis, the paper makes up for the shortcomings of simplification and fuzziness in the operation of the criterion, and puts forward some measures and suggestions to promote the effective operation of the incentive method of stock payment in Chinese enterprises.
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