[Abstract]:With the improvement and development of the capital market in China, the channel of asset price transmission of monetary policy has also been paid more and more attention. Based on the different economic structure and the development of capital market, and the different operating modes of monetary policy, the response degree of asset price to monetary policy will also be different in the real level. As two important assets, the relationship between the price and the monetary policy has become a hot issue at home and abroad. Therefore, the study of the conduction channel and the conduction effect of the monetary policy will have some reference significance to the formulation and implementation of the monetary policy in China.
Taking the real estate price and the stock price as the research object, this paper selects the common variables that can represent the monetary policy, such as the money supply, interest rate and the total amount of credit, and analyzes the relationship between monetary policy and asset price. According to Tobin's Q theory, wealth effect theory and balance sheet theory, the paper analyzes the price of monetary policy to asset prices. The impact of the channel, and empirical means to study the money supply, the specific impact of interest rates on asset prices, and put forward the policy recommendations in view of the empirical results. Hope to improve our capital market, effectively play the channel of asset price transmission, improve the effectiveness of monetary policy has a certain guiding role. This paper is in the previous research results. On the basis of a certain theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper discusses whether the asset price channel of monetary policy is obvious in China, whether the monetary policy has a significant impact on the asset price and whether the asset price will affect the monetary policy. The content arrangement is divided into four main parts.
The first part is preface. First, it introduces the background and significance of the topic selection, explains the necessity of studying the transmission channel of monetary policy asset price, and then divides it into three sections. It summarizes the literature review from three angles of monetary policy transmission channel, stock market and real estate market. Finally, it gives the analysis frame of this paper. It shows the characteristics and shortcomings of this paper, which is characterized by the use of available data in this paper, which selects the content that needs to be studied directly as an explanatory variable, and draws the conclusion of the study in the stock market and the real estate market through unit root test, cointegration model and impulse response function analysis. The impact process and effect of interest rate and money supply on stock price and real estate price are explained in the previous theory. After the empirical results, some policy suggestions are put forward in view of the empirical results and the actual situation in China. The channel of asset price transmission of currency policy, that is, how to transmit from monetary policy to asset price, and the effect of asset price on monetary policy, does not take into account the problem of the real economy. As to how asset prices and their changes have impact on the macro-economy such as consumption and investment, the specific impact process needs to be taken. Further study is carried out in the later study.
The second part is the theory of monetary policy asset price transmission. First, it defines several basic concepts used in the article. Then, starting with the traditional channel of monetary policy transmission, it analyzes the current situation of the transmission of interest rate channels, credit channels, exchange rate channel conduction and the three theories in our country. Finally, it studies the monetary policy. The channel of asset price transmission is divided into Tobin's monetary policy transmission theory from the theoretical point of view, Modigliani and Freedman's monetary policy transmission theory and Bruner and Melcha's monetary policy transmission theory, and then combine the most commonly used monetary policy tools (interest rate, money supply, credit) in macroeconomic regulation and control. Scale, and conduct a detailed analysis of the transmission channels of asset prices of monetary policy instruments.
The third part is the empirical analysis of the paper. First, it introduces the theoretical model and research method used in this paper. It mainly introduces unit root test, cointegration test, vector autoregression (VAR) model and VAR impulse response function, which provides theoretical basis for the operation of empirical analysis. In the long run, the interest rate and the money supply have a positive relationship with the price and the price of the price. In the short term, the monetary supply and interest rate have a positive response to the house price, and the response gradually becomes weaker and the interest rate may even be negative over time. Response: Money supply has a positive response to stock prices, and the intensity is gradually weakening. Interest rates have a negative response to stock prices and are weakening.
The fourth part is the conclusion and policy suggestion of the paper. Through the analysis of the previous theory and the empirical part, this paper thinks that monetary policy can affect the real estate price index. On the one hand, the money supply affects the real estate price. In the short term, the increase of money supply will have a positive impact on the real estate price. The increase of money supply will increase. It can not only improve the investor's investment demand and speculative demand, but also reduce the bank interest rate and increase the real estate price. In the long run, there is a positive correlation between the money supply and real estate, that is, the price of real estate increases with the increase of the money supply in the market. On the other hand, the interest rate affects the real estate price. In the short term, the positive impact of interest rates will have a negative impact on the real estate market. In the long run, the real estate prices and interest rates have the same trend of change. The relatively high returns in the real estate market will attract more money, while the increase in interest rates leads to the increase in the cost of the developer's financing and the rise in the property price. In addition, the price of the real estate is rising. Monetary policy can affect the stock price. On the one hand, the money supply can affect the stock price. In the short term, the increase in the money supply will cause the currency to enter the stock market because of the advantage of the profit, which will increase the demand for the stock, break the balance of supply and demand before the stock, and thus the investor will increase the holding quantity of the stock assets, and the supply will not be supplied. In the long run, the stock price has a positive correlation with the stock price, and the investor will increase the investment to the stock, which leads to the ultimate rise in the stock price. On the other hand, the interest rate can affect the stock price. In the short term, the positive impact of the interest rate will have a negative response to the stock price. In the short term, the interest rate is on the interest rate. The strong signal effect of interest rate will make the investor produce a kind of monetary tightening and the expectation of the stock price fall. But in the long run, the Shanghai Composite Index and the interest rate trend are the same, showing a growing trend. Finally, on the basis of the empirical and specific analysis of the results, the formulation of monetary policy should be concerned. The price of assets, the improvement of the real estate and stock market mechanism, the optimization of economic structure, the improvement of capital market and the optimization of the real estate demand and the results of supply, put forward some policy suggestions in four aspects.
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