[Abstract]:IPO effect refers to the phenomenon that business performance generally drops after IPO. This phenomenon has been proved to exist in the securities markets of other countries and the A-share main market in China. It is of great significance to study the IPO effect of small and medium-sized listed companies for the healthy growth of Chinese securities market, especially for the healthy growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, and for the maturity and rationality of investors. This paper first introduces the background, research purpose, significance, content and method of this paper in the introduction of chapter one, as well as the innovation of this paper. Secondly, in the chapter 2 literature review, the theoretical and empirical research on IPO effect is introduced. In the third chapter, we use Wilcoxon test and paired T test to test the performance index of the company (profitability, operating ability, solvency, growth ability), after excluding the extreme value of the sample. It is concluded that there is a significant IPO effect in profitability and growth ability, but there is no obvious IPO effect in terms of operating capacity and solvency. In the fourth chapter, the paper combines the proportion of raising funds, the price / earnings ratio of the first round exceeds the average price / earnings ratio of the same industry, the reputation of the sponsor, the holding ratio of controlling shareholders, and the participation of venture capital. Taking the growth rate of GDP before and after listing as the controlling variable, this paper makes a regression analysis of the growth rate of the explained variable ROE to cause the IPO effect. By regression, this paper draws the conclusion that the ratio of raising funds, the average level of IPO price / earnings ratio is negatively correlated with the growth rate of ROE and the positive correlation between the growth rate of ROE and the growth rate of ROE. Finally, in the fifth chapter, this paper aims at the above three variables which have influence on the IPO effect of the SME board listed companies, that is, the proportion of raising funds, the ratio of the first round price to earnings ratio is higher than the average level of the same industry, and the reputation of the sponsor institution. Some suggestions are put forward to reduce IPO effect and promote the development of securities market.
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