[Abstract]:Global stock markets are volatile, but Chinese stocks are more volatile than more sophisticated markets such as Europe and the United States. This frequent and large fluctuation brings a series of adverse effects to our economy. After joining the World Trade Organization, China's stock market is increasingly closely linked to the global stock market, and the influence of the external stock market is becoming more and more obvious. Under the background of internationalization, it is increasingly important to find a stock market risk warning method suitable for China's national conditions. This paper first analyzes some special reasons leading to the volatility of China's stock market, and puts forward that the risk warning method of China's stock market should be based on the analysis of China's actual situation. Then using VaR index, price-to-earnings ratio and price-to-book ratio index to establish an early warning model, and combining the dynamic correlation between Chinese stock market and foreign stock market, the number of accounts opened. Money supply and market sentiment for the Shanghai stock index to carry out a comprehensive risk of falling early warning analysis. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to maintain the stable development of the stock market and reduce the excessive volatility of the market. The early warning model is a model that sets early warning interval with price-to-earnings ratio and price-to-book ratio to reveal alarm point. It is found that the early warning model is practical and feasible to predict the short-term fall risk of the index. In the long run, although the early warning model can give an early warning of the sharp decline of the index and the alarm intensity level increases with the increase of the index, it basically coincides with the operation of the index. However, the judgment of exponential risk should also take into account the inertia of the index itself. By studying the dynamic correlation coefficient of Chinese stock market and foreign market, this paper finds that the index of foreign Chinese enterprises (Hang Seng China Enterprise Index, NASDAQ China Index) has a high correlation with Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. Can be used as the Shanghai stock index risk warning one of the reference. As China's finance gradually integrates into the international community and the speed of capital flowing between China and the world accelerates, the mutual influence of different indexes on risk warning will become more and more prominent. In addition, the relationship between money supply and index is mainly reflected in the change of money structure and index. The number of accounts and market sentiment are both the leading indicators of Shanghai stock index. It is a big probability event to reach the top in advance before the index reaches the top, which can also be used as a reference for early warning. There are three innovations in this paper. One is that the VaR method is added to the early-warning model, which is different from the previous research on the risk measurement of the market using VaR method alone. Combined with other early warning indicators to the index of the risk of early warning of the study. Second, this paper also has some innovation in the selection of data. Through research, it is found that the correlation between the Nasdaq China Index (CHNX),) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index (HSCEI), which is published by different exchanges but all reflects the situation of Chinese companies, is significantly better than that of the NASDAQ index. The correlation between the Hang Seng Index and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. Third, the excessive rise and fall of China's stock market is a common phenomenon in emerging markets. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that these countries have a large number of potential investors, under the influence of the effect of making money. The rapid entry of a large number of new funds makes the stock index too high.
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