[Abstract]:The main problem of this paper is the pricing of geometric average Asian options. In order to make the study more practical value, the underlying assets of this kind of Asian options are assumed to be futures contracts, that is, Asian futures options. In this paper, two methods are adopted to solve the geometric average Asian option pricing problem. (1) partial differential equation method. This method is mainly to find the partial differential equation of the price of financial derivatives under the single money market model by means of 螖 hedging technique, and to solve the complex equation problem into the Cauchy problem of solving the heat conduction equation by reasonable variable substitution. Then the pricing formula of the financial derivatives is obtained. This method is mainly quoted from Jiang Lieshang [1], but the results are different. (2) martingale measure analysis method. When applying this method, the pricing problem of geometric average Asian futures options should be considered under different market models, that is, single money market model and double money market model. The key of this method is to find an equivalent martingale measure by Girsanov theorem so that the discount process of the underlying asset price is a martingale process under the measure. Then the expectation discount of tradable assets is obtained by applying the basic theorem of asset pricing.
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