[Abstract]:Theoretical research and practical experience show that the quality of listed companies is the cornerstone of the healthy development of a country's securities market. After decades of reform, development and innovation, the scale of China's stock market has expanded rapidly, and its contribution to enterprise financing, restructuring, industrial structure optimization and adjustment has become increasingly prominent. But up to now, some listed companies have been criticized by investors for their inefficiency in operation. According to the stock listing rules implemented in 1998, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange began to share in listed companies with abnormal financial or other conditions on April 22, 1998. In 2009, 49 of the 60 companies specially handled by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange had an average ROE of - 72.95%, while 36 were between 0% and - 500%. In the first half of 2011, 137 companies were specially handled, accounting for 8.8% of the total number of Companies in the main board market. It has become a noticeable and worrying listed group in China's capital market. It is an urgent problem to curb the expansion of ST company and to make related companies take off their hats early in the future development of China's securities market. The reasons for the low performance of the company are analyzed and the countermeasures are put forward.
This paper analyzes the research ideas based on theoretical research, empirical analysis, countermeasures and suggestions.
First of all, this paper combs the research literature carefully, and discusses the relevant basic theory from the ownership, principal-agent and other aspects, and elaborates the restriction mechanism of ownership structure on corporate performance in detail, which lays a good theoretical foundation for the following empirical analysis.
After that, the paper objectively analyzes the present situation and existing problems of ST company's ownership structure, and finds that ST company has some outstanding problems, such as high ownership concentration, dominant share, extremely low proportion of senior managers'ownership, and lack of equity checks and balances mechanism.
Then, taking the listed companies which were specially treated for the first time in 2011 as samples, this paper makes a comprehensive evaluation of their operating performance in the past eight years by using factor analysis method, and makes an empirical study on the relationship between ownership structure and operating performance by using panel data model. For example, the three indicators of ownership concentration are positively correlated with company performance. The more the proportion of the first largest shareholder holding shares and legal person shares, the higher the degree of ownership concentration, the better the company's operating performance; but the proportion of state-owned shares is negatively correlated with the company's performance. The higher the proportion of state-owned shares, the worse the company's performance level. The correlation between the performance and ST company has not passed the significant test, but the estimated value of the index coefficient of equity checks and balances is positive, and the estimated value of the proportion coefficient of circulating shares is negative, which indicates that the two factors may have a certain impact on the performance of the company.
Finally, in order to improve the performance of the company, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the ownership structure of ST company, including optimizing the ownership concentration, cultivating the investment subject of legal person, increasing the proportion of circulating shares of listed companies, solving the problem of "personification" of state ownership, establishing and perfecting the ownership incentive mechanism, and striving to improve the capital market.
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