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发布时间:2018-09-05 10:52
[Abstract]:Under the background of the transformation of our country's economic development mode, the local government financing platform has both positive significance and hinders the transformation of the economic development mode because of the lack of the system. With the development of the urbanization movement, local government financing platform comes into being and expands rapidly. However, most local government financing platforms depend on local government finance as the final guarantee of repayment. Take the municipal and municipal local government financing platform as an example, in recent years, the local government debt has risen year after year, once the local government financing platform is unable to pay its debts, it will be difficult for the local finance to guarantee the ability to repay. This may lead to fiscal risk and local credit risk. But our country because the system of government is unitary, the local government cannot possibly go bankrupt. Local fiscal deficits can be transferred to higher levels of government or banks, so local fiscal and credit risks may be transformed into financial risks or even social risks. Therefore, local government financing platform should be standardized as soon as possible. From exploring the theory and historical origin of government financing to generalizing the main financing modes of local government financing platform, this paper expounds the concept of local government financing platform in detail. By analyzing the relationship between the transformation of economic development mode and the financing platform of local government, the paper introduces the theme, introduces the positive significance of local government financing platform in economic development and financial crisis before the question is raised. This paper analyzes the predicament of local government financing platform from the point of view of system transformation, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures to the existing problems.


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