[Abstract]:China's M2 / GDP ratio hit a new high in 2013, but at the same time there were several cash shortages during the year, a seemingly contradictory economic phenomenon that triggered a series of reflections on money flows and other issues. This paper first reviews the market performance of interest rate from 2004 to now, summarizes the two cycles of interest rate, and explores the different characteristics of Chinese economy in two cycles. Focusing on the analysis of the proportion and scale of capital flows to the real estate and local government departments in the second cycle, and on this basis exploring the deep-seated causes of the above economic phenomenon, pointing out that the end of June 2013 was far from the real end of the money shortage, and pointed out that the end of June 2013 was far from the real end of the money shortage. Finally, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions that monetary policy should change from supply-side management to supply-side management and channel end management to demand-side management.
【作者单位】: 中国证券登记结算公司北京分公司;
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2 卢紫s,