[Abstract]:In this paper, the human capital of the board of directors of listed companies in China is evaluated from three aspects: the average age of the board of directors, the financial and legal professional level of the board of directors, and the average education level of the board of directors. Based on the data of 230 listed companies in China from 2011 to 2013, the relationship between human capital, compensation and financial fraud of the board of directors is studied by Logistic regression analysis. The empirical results show that the financial and legal professional level of the board of directors, the average education level of the board of directors, the average compensation of the board of directors have a significant negative impact on financial fraud, and there is no significant correlation between the average age of the board of directors and financial fraud. On the whole, the level of human capital and the increase of compensation of the board of directors can effectively reduce the probability of financial fraud. The conclusion of this paper provides a new perspective and basis for the understanding and prevention of financial fraud.
【作者单位】: 合肥工业大学管理学院;
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