[Abstract]:With the development of the financial market, the traditional financial theory based on the efficient market hypothesis and the capital asset pricing theory and the modern asset portfolio theory are challenged by more and more financial anomalies. Scholars modify and perfect the traditional theoretical model by relaxing some assumptions, among which the key point is the assumption of investors' homogeneity belief. Many studies have shown that investors' beliefs in the market are characterized by significant heterogeneity, especially for the Chinese stock market, which is dominated by large and dispersed individual investors. Individual investors often have different beliefs because of their own situation and possession of information. Under the condition of short selling restriction, investors' heterogeneity will affect the formation of equilibrium price of assets. An overvaluation of stock prices. Although the theory of heterogeneous belief asset pricing has developed rapidly in recent years, it is constrained by the choice of indicators and the acquisition of data. The domestic research in this field is still lack of sufficient empirical support. In view of this, based on the existing domestic and foreign theoretical models and empirical research, according to the operating characteristics of China's stock market, this paper selects and constructs appropriate investor heterogeneous belief agent variable. To test the influence of investors' heterogeneity belief on stock returns in A-share market of China. First of all, this paper analyzes the formation of investors' heterogeneous beliefs and the mechanism of their effects on asset prices, and puts forward the theoretical assumptions on this basis. Secondly, this paper discusses several kinds of indicators and their advantages and disadvantages that can be used to measure investors' heterogeneous beliefs. Then, the extra turnover rate and the order book slope are selected as the proxy variables of investors' heterogeneity beliefs. The empirical part as the main part uses portfolio analysis and multiple regression analysis to test the influence of investors' heterogeneity beliefs on stock returns under different degree of short selling restriction. The empirical results show that under the strict short selling restriction, the greater the degree of heterogeneity belief of investors, the greater the overvaluation of the current stock price, and the higher the yield of the current period, and the more information is transmitted. The stock price gradually returns to the real value and the future yield of the stock is lower; when the short selling restriction is relaxed the negative influence of the heterogeneity belief on the expected return of the stock is weakened.
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