[Abstract]:Since 2006, China's stock market has experienced violent fluctuations, with the Shanghai Composite Index rising sharply from about 1350 points in early 2006 to a record high of 6124.04 on October 16, 2007, and then plummeting. After a year of pulling stocks back into bear markets, the Shanghai Composite Index started hovering at 2200 at the end of 2011 after a weak rebound after closing at 1664 in late October 2008. In such a volatile market, there are obviously a lot of arbitrage opportunities, so institutional investors' investment behavior is pushed to the forefront of discussion. At present, the main idea of the domestic research on institutional investors' investment strategy is to start with the stock return momentum and reverse phenomenon, and assume that the fund invests in a certain kind of target stocks, and the change of income after holding a certain period of time. However, for the actual investigation of the momentum and reversal strategy of domestic fund market, the empirical research results are less due to the opaque stock holding in the quarter. This paper studies the closed-end fund trading data from 2006 to 2011 by using a more innovative data processing method, examines the actual investment strategy selection of closed-end funds in China, and further focuses on the impact of individual stock value index on investment strategy selection. By introducing a modified model to measure the investment strategy of institutional investors, this paper finds that the momentum trading strategy is widely used in closed-end funds in China, and its strategy has a relatively consistent stability in the period of investigation. Furthermore, the paper designs regression equation to test the influence of individual stock value index on closed-end fund investment strategy, and then analyzes the difference of investment strategy before and after the financial crisis and in different industries. The results show that the impact of value index on closed-end fund investment is gradually increasing, and the investment strategy turns to rationality and value investment after the financial crisis. Finally, the conclusions are summarized and the policy suggestions are given. Finally, the deficiency and future research direction of the paper are pointed out.
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