[Abstract]:Faced with the continuous development of capital market and increasingly complex management technology, in order to reduce the agency cost of the company, enhance the cohesion of the company and improve the corporate governance mechanism, many listed companies are competing to launch equity incentive plans. Based on this background, this paper discusses the relationship between equity incentive and corporate performance of small and medium-sized board listed companies by combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, with a view to implementing equity incentive in the future. Promote and improve the theoretical basis and empirical data support. Firstly, based on the literature review at home and abroad, this paper explains the theoretical basis of equity incentive, and draws lessons from the relevant research results, and puts forward four research hypotheses for small and medium-sized board listed companies. From 2006 to 2008, 27 small and medium board listed companies which officially announced the implementation of equity incentive were selected as samples, and their financial data of three years from 2008 to 2010 were used as sample data for empirical analysis. The results are as follows: (1) at present, the proportion of equity incentive is quite different, the proportion of equity incentive is generally low, and the proportion of the largest shareholder is relatively high. Stock option is the main mode of equity incentive. (2) using factor analysis to extract four common factors of corporate performance, respectively, representing the growth ability, solvency, profitability and operating ability of the enterprise. According to the corporate performance factor score model, the comprehensive performance of the sample company is calculated. (3) through correlation analysis, it is proved that there is a significant positive correlation between equity incentive ratio and corporate performance. On this basis, the application of multiple linear regression test, equity incentive ratio has a significant positive impact on corporate performance, the impact of corporate size on corporate performance is not significant; Asset-liability ratio has a significant negative impact on corporate performance. (4) using curve regression analysis to further test the specific impact of equity incentive ratio on corporate performance, the results show that, There is no curve correlation between equity incentive ratio and corporate performance. Finally, combined with the conclusion of the research, the paper points out the problems existing in the process of implementing equity incentive in the listed companies with small and medium-sized boards, and puts forward corresponding research suggestions.
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