[Abstract]:The bubble appears in the capital market with the stock market as the carrier and the stock market becomes the main place where the bubble accumulates. The important factor leading to the bubble economy and financial crisis is the stock market bubble. Therefore, the stock and stock market bubble in-depth study is very important. In order to effectively regulate the stock market bubble, it is urgent to put forward and improve the relevant theories. It is only because China's current stock market has many shortcomings and unstable factors relative to other mature stock markets in the world. Moreover, even mature international markets are flawed. In the introduction, this paper reviews several important events in history: the tulip in the Netherlands in 1637, Black Tuesday in 1929, and the worst day in Wall Street's history in 1987. The impact and harmfulness of the crash on the entire financial and economic system are illustrated by clear cases. Then it introduces the background of stock market crash research and gives the significance of stock market crash research combined with historical events. Secondly, on the basis of previous studies, this paper introduces various models of crash problem from different angles. Scholars at home and abroad divide the main theoretical models of stock market crash into five categories: lack of liquidity model, multi-equilibrium and sunspot model, block information aggregation model, herding deformation model and bubble burst model. In the study of stock market collapse in five kinds of models, JLS model is a more acceptable model in recent years. Then, the suitable conditions and application premises of JLS model are given, and the derivation process of logarithmic periodic power function (LPPL) applied in JLS model is given. The logarithmic periodic power function has the following forms: the estimation of unknown parameters of JLS model is an important point. In this paper, we propose a new parameter estimation algorithm. By improving the form of LPPL equation used in JLS model, the linear parameters are changed from three to four, thus reducing the number of nonlinear parameters. The parameter space of nonlinear fitting is reduced. Therefore, the complexity of the fitting process is greatly reduced and the stability is greatly improved. The point at which the bubble finally collapses is the point where the bubble collapses. As the most critical nonlinear parameter, we regard the other two nonlinear parameters as t. This further reduces the complexity of the search process. Compared with the original algorithm, the new algorithm proposed by us does not need the heuristic search element, it can only adopt a strict local search algorithm, so the efficiency of the fitting process is greatly increased. Finally, through the data of Chinese stock market and gold market, we use this model to carry on the empirical research. According to the situation of China's stock market, this paper gives the reasons for the bubble collapse of China's stock market, and points out that it is particularly important to study the formation mechanism of the phenomenon of crash in China, and to carry out in-depth research in this field will certainly promote the development of modern financial theory. And bring important enlightenment to government financial supervision.
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