[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the improvement of people's income, more and more people pay attention to the stock market. Stock investment has become a very important part of modern people's life. Up to now, it is unlikely to get a return on the random stock selection, and with the promotion of efficient market hypothesis, the passive investment strategy is gradually accepted by the majority of investors. But it is undeniable that there are some stocks that are undervalued in the stock market, so that in a sufficiently competitive market, investors want to earn more than the average return on the market. So the research of stock market forecasting method not only has profound theoretical significance, but also has extremely important application value. At the same time, after years of development, the stock market has accumulated a large amount of data information, how to apply it to investment decisions has become the focus of stock market forecasting. Support vector machine (SVM) is a new technique in data mining. In this paper, support vector machine classifier is applied to stock selection. Firstly, this paper introduces the statistical learning theory and the support vector machine (SVM) method based on it, and describes the basic principle of the SVM method in detail. Secondly, in order to improve the accuracy of stock selection, this paper constructs the SVM model of financial fraud identification, the purpose of this model is to detect the abnormal financial situation of listed companies as early as possible, to warn investors, so as to protect the interests of investors. In this model, the traditional 1:1 pairing method is broken, the control samples are obtained by principal component analysis (PCA), and the support vector machine (SVM) is introduced to deal with the unbalanced data. Finally, 100 stocks in Shenzhen and Shanghai are selected and the results are satisfactory. With the development of research and practice, support vector machine (SVM) will be able to make new breakthrough and progress in stock market prediction.
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