[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of corporate governance structure on the incentive of equity incentive scheme. The research work is carried out in the following steps: first of all, the significance and purpose of the thesis are put forward, and the research literature on the incentive and influencing factors of equity incentive schemes at home and abroad is reviewed. This paper puts forward the deficiency of the present research and the research opportunity of this paper, clarifies the research contents and research methods of this paper, defines the related concepts in this paper, and expounds the basic theory. Secondly, taking the Shenghu main Board listed company as the research sample, this paper analyzes the current situation of the governance structure and the key elements of the equity incentive scheme design of the listed company. On this basis, the paper constructs the corporate governance structure variable group and the equity incentive scheme incentive variable group, and makes a typical correlation analysis between them. The results show that there is a correlation between corporate governance structure and incentive of equity incentive scheme. Thirdly, in order to further test the influence and direction of individual variables in the group of variables of corporate governance structure on the incentive of equity incentive scheme, according to the different incentive, the incentive scheme is divided into incentive type and welfare type. Taking this as the explanatory variable and the corporate governance structure as the explanatory variable, the Logistic regression model is constructed, and the causal relationship between the two is studied. The regression results show that the proportion and concentration of executive ownership are negatively correlated with the incentive of equity incentive scheme, while the first shareholder control and the establishment of chairman and general manager are positively correlated with the incentive of the scheme. Finally, according to the conclusion of this paper, combining the characteristics of corporate governance and capital market environment, from the perspective of perfecting the operating environment of equity incentive and strengthening its incentive effect, The countermeasures and suggestions for improving the internal governance environment and improving the external market environment of the company are put forward.
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