[Abstract]:With the global economic crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis around 2007, the word "bubble" (?) (Bubbles) has once again aroused great concern. From the crash of the US stock market in 1929 to the collapse of the Japanese stock market and real estate bubble in the late 1980s, to the collapse of the Internet bubble in the United States around 2000, and so on. Every stock market bubble crash brought the then macroeconomic into stagnation or depression, disrupting the normal functioning of financial markets and the economy. Since the development of foam theory, it can be divided into two directions: rational bubble and irrational bubble. The theoretical research of rational bubble is based on the hypothesis of rational expectation and efficient market hypothesis. It is the rational bubble model that dominates at this stage. With the development of behavioral finance, more and more economists abandon the hypothesis of "rational economic man", and the theory of rational bubble is challenged. The rise of behavioral finance is a revolutionary development in the field of financial economics. From the psychological and behavioral point of view of the market subject, it opens up a new way of thinking for explaining the "market anomalies" such as bubbles and excessive fluctuations in the market. On this basis, the theory of irrational bubble has made great progress. The theory of irrational bubble holds that asset price bubble is the result of the behavior of the market subject, and the behavior of the market subject itself is limited rationality. This paper analyzes the influence of investor's risk preference degree on irrational bubble, which is one of the behaviors of market main body. Through the method of calculating experimental finance, the simulation platform of SFI artificial stock market is used. The risk preference coefficient of agent is set up and the experiment is carried out. The experimental results show that with the increasing risk preference of investors, the degree of irrational bubbles in the stock market is generally expanding. When investors' risk preference is small, the rise of irrational bubbles in the market is also slower; in the market with low investor risk preference, the volatility of irrational bubbles is generally maintained at a lower level. It shows that in the market with high risk preference, not only the bubble will be bigger than the market with lower risk preference, but also the fluctuation degree of the bubble will be stronger than that of the market with lower risk preference.
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