[Abstract]:The stock basket linked structured bond product means that the expected return and risk of the structured bond wealth management product are linked to the performance of the stock in the basket, and the opportunity to obtain a potential higher return is related to the basket's daily or final performance. As structural financial products, especially those linked to stocks and baskets, have appeared in the domestic financial market one after another, they have been welcomed by the market. However, the development of financial products in our country is still relatively lagging behind. On the one hand, limited to policy restrictions, although the stock market is active, there are many types of products, the development of financial products in China is still subject to a lot of restrictions; On the other hand, structured financial products involve a large number of investment targets, and the collocation structure between products is complex, which requires financial engineering technology to play an irreplaceable role in product pricing. With the marketization of interest rate and the further liberalization of derivatives market, the further expansion of stock structured financial goods will be the future trend, so it is more and more important to really understand the evaluation, design and risk management of this commodity. This paper analyzes the stock basket structured bond products from three aspects: product evaluation, product design and risk management. First of all, take the case of structured investment products linked to a basket of Chinese one-year RMB stocks. In this paper, we use the financial pricing theory to evaluate the stock basket structured bond products, including pricing, Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis. Secondly, for product design, the significance of design is to study the motive force, the design principle is the theoretical basis, the design method is the guidance of the process. The design process is the operation guarantee. On the basis of the design meaning, principle, method and flow, this paper designs two kinds of products, including the bearish concept stock basket capital preservation product and the bearish high interest stock basket non-capital preservation product. Finally, market risk management is the whole process of identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling market risk. For stock basket linked structured bond products, risk management is actually the first to identify and analyze the risk. Secondly, on the basis of analysis, the risk is accurately measured, and the process of avoiding and controlling the risk is carried out. On the one hand, this paper hopes to provide a reasonable evaluation and design method for the issuer, as well as the possible risks and feasible ways to avoid risks in issuing structural products; On the other hand, investors can know more about the rewards and risks of investing in related commodities.
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