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发布时间:2019-04-19 03:36
[Abstract]:Programmed trading originated from the United States 70's portfolio trading technology, has been developed for a long time. It experienced popularity and was once shackled as the root of disaster. The international academic circles still can still hear the sound of the risk dispute about the procedural transaction. In the past, scholars used traditional financial research methods to study the risks of programmed transactions. It is accepted by many scholars and insiders that the "portfolio insurance strategy in programmed transactions will cause the market to form a 'chain collapse' effect in the pessimistic market situation", which is based on logical inference. But how the facts are difficult to quantify, because the same situation in the real world is difficult to happen again the same. The most common method to study the effect of stock index futures market on the price volatility of the real market is to compare the price volatility of a real market after joining the stock index futures market. The most common way to study the effect of programmed trading on the price volatility of stock markets is to take the proportion of funds of programmed trading strategies in the market as an independent variable. The price volatility of the market is the influence of dependent variable analysis programmed trading on the price volatility of the stock market. However, they are all subject to the number of samples and cannot be removed from the influence of other factors, so the results are often inconsistent in different markets and in different periods of research. This is also the risk dispute over procedural transactions over the past few decades. And whether the stock index futures market will help smooth spot market price fluctuations or increase the spot market downside risks and other issues have been a major cause of controversy. A good way to solve this kind of complexity problem is the computational experiment method which has been developed in recent years. In this paper, we analyze the risk of programmed trading to stock market by establishing artificial stock market and strictly controlling various experimental conditions. Because the combination insurance strategy and arbitrage strategy, which are very important in procedural trading, rely on the stock index futures market. In this paper, the stock index futures market is added to the artificial stock market, and the influence of the stock index futures market on the volatility of stock market is analyzed briefly. Through a number of comparative experiments, this paper finds that the introduction of programmed trading will indeed cause abnormal fluctuations in the stock market in the short term, but in the long run, its impact is very small; Stock index futures market, in general, has reduced the price volatility of the spot market. In addition, this paper carries out a comparative experiment between portfolio insurance strategy and non-portfolio insurance strategy by applying a common price reduction expectation to all investors in the market. It is found that portfolio insurance strategies in pessimistic markets do create a self-reinforcing short selling expectation, thus exacerbating the collapse of the market.


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