本文关键词:德育困境及其应对策略 出处:《中州学刊》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the influence of epistemism, moral character development mainly becomes the teaching of moral knowledge, the generalization of moral education concept, the alienation of moral education from life, and the division of "strip" moral education, which makes moral education become rootless and boring. The rapid development of "Internet" and the lagged development of moral education theory make moral education respond to the new situation powerless, do not know what to do. The emergence of multicultural society, social moral decline. In order to make the core value education of school face the challenge and break through the dilemma of moral education, we should insist on the innovation of moral education idea and way on the basis of following the moral education law, and realize the cognitive moral education. The organic integration of belief moral education and life moral education; It is necessary to carry on the inheritance of traditional moral resources, consolidate the education of core values, establish and improve the ethical system of social system and supervision and enforcement system, and purify the social environment.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学教师教育学院教育科学研究所;江苏大学教师教育学院;
【正文快照】: 德育作为我国素质教育的重要内容,在“成人”教育中起着重要作用。随着我国社会的转型发展,人们的价值观念也发生了巨大变迁。如何顺应时代潮流、克服当代道德教育中的种种困境与矛盾,是提高德育实效、保证青少年健康成长的重大现实问题。一、问题的提出与研究概况德育困境是
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