本文关键词:王国维国民教育思想研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Wang Guowei is a scholar. As everyone knows, he achieved high academic achievement in aesthetics, China classical philosophy, aesthetics and western philosophy, aesthetics are fused together, his unique aesthetics has thus formed. But its achievements not only in his literary aesthetics, history, philosophy, and other aspects have deep knowledge. The author is Wang Guowei is the most respected research in national education, has its own unique national education concept, at the same time in the teaching also has abundant practical experience, to avoid Wang Guowei's national education thought in the condition of empty talk among the very favorable. Therefore, Wang Guowei's thought of national education, combined with the current high school Chinese teaching situation, introduced to the Chinese teaching reality which is operable. This article mainly from the following four Parts: the first part is the introduction. This paper introduces the research significance, research review, research purpose and methods. The second part is mainly about the research of Wang Guowei's life, is divided into two sections. The first section is mainly an overview of Wang Guowei's life, from the growth of experience to know the person. Wang Guowei also introduced in literature, history, philosophy and other aspects of the achievements, which is a very talented person. The second section mainly introduces the practice of Wang Guowei education, started from the two points, the first point is the summary of Wang Guowei's educational practice, illustrates that it is a practical experience of rich people the second point is introduced. Some drawbacks found in education in educational practice, that Wang Guowei is not a teacher, but an education researcher. Teachers should give students a bowl of water, it should have a bucket of water kingdom. Dimension not only have a bucket of water, but also know how to give students. In a word, the aim of this part is to let us have a more comprehensive understanding of Wang Guowei. The third part mainly introduces the main contents and characteristics of Wang Guowei's thoughts about national education. This part is divided into three sections. The first section introduces the Kingdom dimension of national education content at first explains the concept of national education, and then from the aims of education, humanistic education in these important aspects of introduction to Wang Guowei's thoughts of the national education. The second section introduces the background of Wang Guowei's thoughts about national education, mainly from the two points, respectively China status and his modern activities related to education. The third section is to summarize the characteristics of Wang Guowei the thoughts of the national education. The fourth part is the Enlightenment on Wang Guowei to the senior high school language teaching. First, show the current status of Chinese teaching in high school, and then combined with the status quo The study of Wang Guowei's Thought on national education put forward suggestions.
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