本文选题:亚米契斯 + Cuore ; 参考:《石河子大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"Education of Love" is one of the Chinese translations of Cuore, a famous Italian writer. In China, "Education of Love", as a foreign children's literature, is popular with readers. Also has been widely concerned by the education sector and ordinary families. "Education of Love", which is studied in this paper, grasps the function of enlightenment in its literary function, takes education as the breakthrough point, on the basis of combing the Chinese translation of "Education of Love" in our country, Using text analysis to grasp the educational concept of the book, and to explore the educational value of this educational concept in contemporary personal growth, family education, school education, and social education. According to the educational development in China, the Chinese version of Love Education is accepted by the educational circles in China, which highlights the educational function of the literary works. The first chapter, on the basis of previous studies, systematically arranges the translation and dissemination of the Chinese version of Education of Love in China. This paper introduces the background of the production of the works, the life of the author, the general situation of the Education of Love, and then expounds the spread of the Chinese translation of the Education of Love from 1901 to 2017 in China, which is the basis of the following research and related discussion. The second chapter, on the basis of intensive reading, clarifies and objectively states the educational concepts reflected in the book "Education of Love", and tries to be objective and accurate. In this chapter, the author elaborates the definition of the concept of "love" and the three dimensions of the education of love. The specific form of the educational concept of love in the text of Education of Love. In chapter three, the author explores the educational value of Education of Love, which is the key problem to be solved in this study. Based on the educational concept embodied in the second chapter, "Education of Love", this study first expounds the concept of education and educational value, and on the basis of these concepts, respectively from the individual growth, family education, school education, Four aspects of social education carefully discuss the educational value of Education of Love. Chapter four explains the acceptance of Love Education and the formation of educational value in China. First, the acceptance of "Education of Love" in the field of education in China begins with the popular translation of Xin-er and Xia N-zun. Second, expound how to give full play to the educational value of "Education of Love", first write about the predicament of contemporary education, and then explain the formation of educational value of "Education of Love". In conclusion, the limitations of Cuore itself are discussed and the full text is summarized.
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