[Abstract]:"Education to save the nation" is the quintessence of Zhang Boling's educational thought, and moral education is the core element of Zhang Boling's education to cultivate the youth with "complete personality", and then to transform the whole educational thought system of the society. His understanding of moral education, the orientation of the content of moral education, and the choice of ways to carry out moral education all come from his cognition of the "individuality" of education and national salvation. Zhang Boling's thoughts on moral education include the education of norms of patriotic behavior, the education of personality, the education of social responsibility and the education of adolescence, which are carried out through positive and positive intervention, the construction and construction of a harmonious environment, and the students' automation. The cultivation of self-consciousness and self-discipline.
【作者单位】: 海南师范大学教育与心理学院;
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