[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the discussion and reform of moral education curriculum and teaching materials in primary and secondary schools have been continuous, the curriculum system has become more and more perfect, the textbooks have become increasingly diversified, and a series of achievements have been achieved, but the educational results have not been satisfactory. One of the reasons is that moral education is at the edge of reality although it is the first. To get out of this paradox, we must make the moral education curriculum "lower", run through the socialist core values, the method of curriculum is "approachable", and the curriculum evaluation and the students' moral cognitive growth should be unified. In the course of constructing the moral education curriculum system and the teaching material system, we should use the socialist core values to guide the construction of the moral education curriculum system and the teaching material system. One of the important sources of socialist core values is the excellent Chinese traditional culture. Although our country has gained some experience in integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into moral education curriculum, on the whole, the link of Chinese excellent traditional culture into moral education curriculum of universities and primary schools is insufficient, mainly because of the lack of linking up of teaching materials. The fuzzy teaching distinction and the poor learning effect have resulted in a lack of cultural consciousness and self-confidence. It is necessary to improve the teaching methods by improving the content and integrating the social forces.
【作者单位】: 广东农工商职业技术学院;
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