Chapter One Introduction
1. The origin of the study
2. Purpose of the study
3. The structure of this thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
1. A brief review on the roots of the Western education
2. Areflection on the education in China
3. Narrative inquiry
3.1 Basic understanding of Narrative inquiry
3.2 Researches with narrative inquiry
4. Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations for Ontological Education
1. Real education towards disclosure of being
2. Ways of knowing
3. Heidegger's concept of Being-in-the-world related to education
4. Authenticity: Ontological education against enframing
Chapter Four Methodology
1. How to collect data
2. Participants in the Study
3. The identity "I" as both participant and researcher
4. Why do I use narrative inquiry as my methodology?
Chapter Five An Ontological Inquiry of Language Teaching
1. Integrate self, students, subjects and the world
1.1 Students' alienation from life and the world
1.2 Disclosure of being towards communicative understanding
2. Back to Ourselves: Authentic modeling is the best way of teaching
2.1 Inauthenticity in the teachers' divided life
2.2 Genuine being: Teaching for the maintenance of education?
3. Understanding life and ourselves as a way towards authenticity
Chapter Six Conclusion and Implications
Reference Books
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