A Probing into the Impact of Cyberculture on Quality Educati
发布时间:2024-02-20 18:03
上个世纪末以来,互联网作为一种文化逐渐对人类社会的方方面面产生影响。很多学者开始 关注互联网文化现象的问题并展开了各种相关研究。本文的关注焦点是网络文化对中国学生 的素质教育的影响问题。 文章共分五个篇章。 第一章是导论,它包括问题的提出,研究角度及相关理论介绍,然后是数据收集及统计方法 介绍。 第二章集中在素质教育部分。首先回顾了中国教育史中重视培养素质的相关历史并对“素质” 及“素质教育”两个概念进行界定和介绍。由于本文主要集中在网络文化对素质教育的影响 问题,本章最后将特别介绍素质教育的核心问题:培养有创造力的人才。 第三章分析网络文化的方方面面以及它对智力教育产生的影响,着重讨论信息与现代教育之 间的关系问题以及互联网在现代教育中的种种应用。其中远程教育将重点讨论其特点、发展、 优势及未来发展趋势。 第四章关注素质教育另一方面的内容:德育教育。本章提出网络德育这个概念,并提出几项 行之有效的可操作方案来解决如何开展网络德育的问题。 在对网络文化有了清楚的认识,并了解了它对德育及智育造成的影响之后,第四章将对如何 利用互联网进行素质教育提出一个解决办法:虚拟大学,并具体介绍一个正...
【文章页数】:75 页
Chapter one Introduction: An Overview
1.1: Proposal of the Problem
1.2: Research Angle and Relevant Concepts
1.2.1: Research Angle
1.2.2: Relevant Notions:
1.2.3: Relevant Theories.
1.3: Data Collection and Research Methods.
Chapter Two Quality Education.
2.1: A Historical Trilogy.
2.2: A Tentative Definition of Quality Education
2.3: The Characteristics of Quality Education
2.4: The Core of Quality Education.
Chapter Three Cyberculture and its Influence on Intellectual Education
3.1: Cyberculture
3.1.1: Characteristics:
3.1.2: The Contents
3.1.3 Some General views on cyberculture.
3.2: The Influence of Cyberculture on Intellectual Education
3.2.1: Information and Modern Education
3.2.2: Characteristics of Learning with the Help of Internet.
3.2.3: The Utilization of Internet in Education.
3.2.4: The Modern Educational Technology Helps the Training of Creative Thinking.
3.3: Distance Education and Internet.
3.3.1: Characteristics
3.3.2: The Strong Points of Distance Education.
3.3.3: Development at Home and Overseas of Distance Education.
3.3.4: Its Prospect
Chapter Four: Cyber-Moral Education.
4.1: The Proposal of Internet Moral Education: Contents and Characteristics.
4.2: The Relationship Between Online Moral Teaching and Moral Teaching Network.
4.3: The Actuality and Prospect of Online Moral Teaching.
4.4: The Practice of Online Moral Teaching.
4.5: The Problems Existing in Online Moral Education Currently.
Chapter Five: Internet Adaptation for Quality Education.
5.1: Virtual University.
5.2: A Model for Virtual University.
5.2.1: Presence of the Model
5.2.2: The Implementation
5.2.3: Lecture Manager Server
5.3: Summary
【文章页数】:75 页
Chapter one Introduction: An Overview
1.1: Proposal of the Problem
1.2: Research Angle and Relevant Concepts
1.2.1: Research Angle
1.2.2: Relevant Notions:
1.2.3: Relevant Theories.
1.3: Data Collection and Research Methods.
Chapter Two Quality Education.
2.1: A Historical Trilogy.
2.2: A Tentative Definition of Quality Education
2.3: The Characteristics of Quality Education
2.4: The Core of Quality Education.
Chapter Three Cyberculture and its Influence on Intellectual Education
3.1: Cyberculture
3.1.1: Characteristics:
3.1.2: The Contents
3.1.3 Some General views on cyberculture.
3.2: The Influence of Cyberculture on Intellectual Education
3.2.1: Information and Modern Education
3.2.2: Characteristics of Learning with the Help of Internet.
3.2.3: The Utilization of Internet in Education.
3.2.4: The Modern Educational Technology Helps the Training of Creative Thinking.
3.3: Distance Education and Internet.
3.3.1: Characteristics
3.3.2: The Strong Points of Distance Education.
3.3.3: Development at Home and Overseas of Distance Education.
3.3.4: Its Prospect
Chapter Four: Cyber-Moral Education.
4.1: The Proposal of Internet Moral Education: Contents and Characteristics.
4.2: The Relationship Between Online Moral Teaching and Moral Teaching Network.
4.3: The Actuality and Prospect of Online Moral Teaching.
4.4: The Practice of Online Moral Teaching.
4.5: The Problems Existing in Online Moral Education Currently.
Chapter Five: Internet Adaptation for Quality Education.
5.1: Virtual University.
5.2: A Model for Virtual University.
5.2.1: Presence of the Model
5.2.2: The Implementation
5.2.3: Lecture Manager Server
5.3: Summary