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发布时间:2016-07-10 09:08


网友1318384917近日为您收集整理了关于吴冠中美术教育理论与实践探究的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:分类号学校代码 10542密级学号 200921 724043吴冠中美术教育理论与实践研究The art of education theory and Practice of Wu Guanzhong研究生姓名指导教师姓名、职称学科研究堡臣堡竖:』:坌塾撞责湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二零一二年五月摘要吴冠中不仅是中国现代美术史上杰出的艺术家,也是一位杰出的美术教育家。他的艺术创作得到了美术界的广泛关注和深入研究,但他的美术教育理论并没有得到全面的研究和系统的整理。基于对吴冠中美术教育思想的研究现状的认真考察和研究意义的深刻认识,本文较为详纽地梳理和研究了吴冠中美术教育的理论和实践。吴冠中学贯中西,对西方现代艺术的精髓和中国传统绘画的艺术精神有深刻的理解。他针对美术教学和艺术创作,发表了大量的文章和言论,并逐步形成了独具特色的美术教育思想。本文主体由四个部分组成:论文首先对吴冠中主要的美术教育理论进行详细的解读。认为吴冠中的美:术教育理论主要包括以下几个方面:一是,强调艺术教育的主食是审美素质教育;二是,提出绘画的形式美与抽象美的教学理念;三是,提倡通古今、融中西艺术观;四是,主(来源:[])张吴门无派,师学舍短的教师观;五是,认为艺术家要有思想和人格。第二部分,分析了吴冠中美术教育思想的形成。认为,家庭教育、林风眠的美术观念和国内外艺术教育思想对他的美术教育理论的形成产生了很大的影响。第三部分,考察了吴冠中的美术教育的实践活动。第四部分,探讨了吴冠中美术教育理论和实践对当代美术教育发ABSTRACTWu Guanzhong i s not only the hi story of modern Chinese finearts fine artist, but also an outstanding art educators.Hisart is art world wide attention and thorough research,but hisart education theory has not prehensivelystudied andfinishing system.Based on Wu Guanzhong’s Educational Thoughton(来源:[]) fine arts research study seriously and research significanceof understanding,this paper detailed analysis and Study on theWu Guanzhong art education theory and practice.Wu Guanzhong has,on the western modern art and the essenceof Chinese traditional painting art has a deep understandingof.He j S in the light of art teaching and art,published a largenumber of articles and speeches,and gradually formed a uniquethinking in art education.ThiS paper co(来源:[])nsists of four parts:Firstly,Wu Guanzhong’S main art education theory to conducta detai led explanat ion.Think Wu Guanzhong’S art educat iontheory mainly includes the following aspects:one iS that arteducation.iS the staple food of aesthetic quality educationtwo i S presented,formal beauty of paint ing and abstract beautyofteaching phi l。s。phy;three,through anciont and m。dern.Chinese and Western art advocates harm。ny view:f。ur,adv。cateWu door facti(来源:[])on,normal schools shoft view of teacher:five,th·at the art i st must have thought and personal i ty.7the second part, analyzes the formation of art educatj onideas of WuGuanzhong.Think,fami ly education,Lin Fengmian’sart idea and art education at home and abroad for his arteducation theory form produced very big elfect.1."he third part,Wu Guanzhong examines the art educat ionpractice.The fourth part,Wu Guanzhong explores the art educationtheory and(来源:[]) practice of contemporary fine arts education and therex7elation to the development of.Think,plur’alistic,open,fusion of art education,personal ity and freedom of art talent,as wel l as internat ional art education way,and SO on,to theCUl’rent art education has the reference and draw lessons froma r十j nnKey’words:Wu Guanzhong,Fine arts education,Art educationpractice,The fusion of C


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