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发布时间:2016-07-18 08:00


网友静雨蓝梦近日为您收集整理了关于论毛泽东思想政治教育理论的特点和贡献(法学)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:分类号——学校代码 10542密级学号 20080202Q2Q鱼论***思想政治教育理论的特点和贡献Study on the feathe r s of Mao Zedong’Sthought theory and cont r i but i on湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二0一一年五月中文摘要{lIlIlllIII|II|Ⅲ111lIⅢ㈣||111删…¨{Y1 91 21 81。在中国共产党成立初期,有人懂马克思主义而不太懂中国革命的具体实际,有人对中国革命的具体实际有相当的了解而对马克思主义的研修则相对缺乏,只有***既对中国革命的具体实际有深刻的认识与把握,又对马克思主义理论有深入的探讨与研修,这就使得他能在中国这块土地上开启把马克思主义的普遍原理与中国革命的具体实际结合起来的时代大幕,成为马克思主义中国化的奠基人和伟大旗手。***的思想政治教育理论亦是如此,它是马克思主义思想政治教育的基本原理与中国革命的具体实际相结合的产物,也体现着***以马克思主义为指导,创造性地探讨具有中国特色的思想政治教育理论。***作为我党的缔造者、伟大的理论家和政治家,同时也是我党思想政治教(来源:[])育工作理论的创始人之一。他不仅对思想政治教育的地位和作用作出了高度的评价与肯定,而且对思想政治教育的内容作出了科学的论述,对如何开展思想政治教育的原则、路径和方式方法作出了全面系统的论述,极大地发展了马克思主义的思想政治教育理论。***思想政治教育理论是***思想的重要组成部分,是毛泽’东依据马克思列宁主义思想政治教育的原理,根据中国当时的实际情况和自身长期革命实践的经验,对思想政治教育的理论基础、基本内容、方针原则和地位作用的系统阐述,并在革命斗争中不断完善和发展,至今仍充满活力、放射出耀眼光芒的科学的思想政治教育理论。关键词:***思想政治教育特点贡献AbstractAt the early found munist party of China,many peopleown Marxism,but don’t know the specific fact of Chinesevolution,many people known the specific fact of Chinesev(来源:[])olution,but don’t known Marxism.Only Mao Zedong deeplyown about the specific fact of Chinese revolution,and he alsoeply studied Marxism theory.He began bine the Chinesevolution fact with the principle of Marxism,e theunder of Chinese Marxism.Mao Zedong’S Ideological and1itical theory also like this,because He bined theinciple of Marxism Ideological and political education withinese revolution fact.And Mao Zedong’S Ideological andlitical theory unde(来源:[])r the guidelines of Marxism creativesearched into the ideological and pol i t ical educat ioneory.Mao Zedong was the founder muni st party of China andis a great politicians and theorist,he also was one of thefounders munist party of China ideological and pol iticaleducation theory.He not only highly evaluated and confirmedthe status and function of ideological and pol itical education,but also scientifical ly discussed the content of ideologicalan(来源:[])d political education,the principle,route and methods abouthow to carried out ideological and political education,greatlydeveloped the Marxism ideological and political educationⅡtheory.Mao Zedong ideological and political education theoryis a important party of Mao Zedong thought,He Systematicallyelaborated the theory basi s, contents,principles andfunctions of ideological and political education,that ording to the Marxism——Leninism ideological an(来源:[])d politicaleducat ion principles,the actual situat ion of China at thatmoment,the pract i cal experience of hi s revolution pract i ce,then he developed and perfected it when he carried on theChinese revolution practice,and it still the ideological andpolitical education theory which has been full of vitality,radiant,scientific unt i l today.Key Words: Mao Zedong, Ideological and po


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