本文关键词:情境教学在初中英语听说训练中的应用 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the era of economic globalization, English as a communicative tool used in the economic, cultural fields have become increasingly frequent, a number of imminent training has some foundation in English and have heard strong and oral communicative ability of English talents. Junior high school stage is a key period for students to learn and improve the ability of listening and speaking. And the current junior high school English due to the bondage of traditional education ideas, pay more attention to imparting knowledge, but neglects to cultivate students' ability of listening and speaking, this is obviously lagging behind in social development. Therefore, the scene teaching has practical significance in the study of teaching in junior high school. I heard the innovation of this research is to study the situation teaching is mostly in the primary school stage, and this research is based on the junior high school students, and put forward some concrete operation mode, and through experimental verification of these measures can be For, as the situation teaching in junior high school English in the promotion of reference. This research mainly includes the research questions, research object, research tools. There are 1 research questions) the domestic and foreign theories and research results about the situation analysis in the teaching of.2) in the classroom teaching can improve the students' interest in learning English in junior high school English listening and speaking? 3) in the context of teaching on students' listening and speaking to the ability to enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of classroom in junior high school English class two? In this study, a total of 108 students of grade seven as the research object, the English learning interest of students by questionnaire in the form of the two experimental classes. At the end of the experiment, then the English learning interest questionnaire data; followed by the students in the experimental class for a semester of situational listening and speaking teaching; then, after the completion of data collection, the relevant number According to the analysis. Finally collected English scores as academic achievement, the use of SPSS16.0 for all the quantitative research data were descriptive analysis, independent samples T test and correlation analysis. The results show that after the experiment the experimental class students of English learning interest is obviously improved, students can be more active learning in Teachers' guidance next, greatly changed the original English passive learning state, make the classroom teaching activity, students' listening and speaking ability has been further improved. From the English test, the students in the experimental class than the control class in English listening and speaking training has changed, the effect is very significant.
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