本文关键词:语文课堂“导学案”教学模式研究 出处:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Chinese, this subject from the independence of its historical mission has never changed, namely, inheriting the national culture, edify sentiment, forged the soul. To meet the development needs of the new era, a new round of curriculum reform opened the curtain. The core of the education reform is people-oriented, student-centered development. As the mother tongue of basic subjects of "Chinese" has played an important role in Chinese teaching for a long time. In the face of difficulties arise, such as course content and form of how to coordinate the teaching content of "numerous, difficult, partial, old" and other conditions. The new curriculum reform to strengthen the course content and students' real life practice contact: contact with the development of modern society; constructivism emphasizes the students experience, and ultimately enable students to master learning basic knowledge and skills necessary. All the time, our Chinese education circles in the continuous exploration and search A suitable Chinese teaching reform. With different periods of reform on people in the discussion of educational reform program, seem to ignore this fact: do not go to the classroom, not on the actual teaching activities, this is not the real Chinese education reform. With the new curriculum reform entered into the key stage, how to achieve the perfect education idea and reform of classroom practice? Only "Research on classroom" timely learning theory is quickly converted to the ability to improve the quality of classroom teaching, in order to realize the reform vision. This research focuses on the Chinese classroom teaching, classroom teaching methods of comprehensive use of observation, case analysis and Research on the "guiding case" as the carrier of language classroom teaching mode is studied. Several teaching modes in combing the more prominent after the founding, through theoretical research At the same time, combined with the specific teaching cases, exposed to the vector teaching mode in Chinese classroom teaching practice of the problems in the "guiding case" for reflection on the rational examination and objective. The dissertation mainly includes the following four parts. The first part combs the origin of the "guiding case" and the development of the "guiding case" the connotation, characteristics, theoretical basis and implementation conditions, reflect the actual effect of this kind of teaching mode in Chinese language classroom teaching application. With the deepening of educational reform, classroom teaching, there are many new forms of organization, in reference to experience and achievement of curriculum reform, the teaching mode will be referred to as the "Donglu middle school the teaching of one", "lecture" teaching mode, middle school "336" teaching mode. The majority is the "learning plan" or multimedia as the carrier, consisting of several teaching links The classroom teaching mode. The educational reform experiments were carried out in these schools has been successful, and these patterns have strong operability, so widely in many schools. The "guiding case" as the carrier of the classroom teaching mode is based on the constructivism theory as the basis and construction; is developed in the background of new teaching reform during the period under; is a kind of interactive classroom teaching mode with teachers and students. The second part carries on the example analysis, select X and Y middle school. The case study presents two schools of Chinese class is based on the "guiding case" as the carrier of teaching. Through the field to collect material, combined with the actual situation of teaching two middle school, two middle schools to outline the "guiding case" teaching mode and development construction, a more profound understanding of language teaching classroom "guiding case" from the actual, Learn the factors reasonably, abandon the reform and promote the development of the form of flashy without substance, the language classroom teaching in China. The third part of the "guiding case" as the carrier of the language classroom teaching mode to reflect the current language classroom. There are a lot of "guiding case" as the carrier to construct the teaching model, some model has achieved successfully pursued by the people, and some models have little effect. In fact, after further study can be found, blindly follow in actual classroom teaching, can really achieve long-term goal very little effect. The reason is not difficult to see the teacher to the classroom, "guiding case" awareness of the existence of bias in the concept level, with two yuan of opposition the way of thinking to understand the "guiding case", but in practice also retains the Technolism tendency. The fourth part is the conclusion part of the article. In the thesis too In the process of "guiding case" for the practical application in the teaching of Chinese to do some thinking. The "guiding case" as a carrier of classroom teaching, classroom teaching will be used to form a relatively stable teaching mode, the teaching mode has certain advantages, but also can not be ignored and avoided in in the actual teaching shortcomings, realistic discussion, to restore the true face.
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