本文关键词: 探究式教学 高中思想政治 特征 问题 策略 出处:《燕山大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the transformation of high school education from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented education, the new curriculum reform actively advocates students' autonomy, cooperation, inquiry learning, training students' ability to acquire knowledge and solve problems. The ideological and political cooperative inquiry teaching in senior high school is based on the full respect of students' main position and the development of students' autonomous learning ability. Through the interaction, cooperation, exploration between teachers and students and between students, fully play the main role of students, mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of students, and ultimately make the classroom become independent cooperation, interactive exploration. The high quality and efficiency of the classroom has laid a good foundation for the full and comprehensive development of students. The practical significance of this study is to mobilize the enthusiasm of students through the development of inquiry teaching. In order to cultivate students' ability of independent learning, cooperative learning, analyzing and solving problems, and improving students' quality, this paper firstly clarifies the connotation of inquiry teaching method. Secondly, it points out that the relationship between teachers and students is misplaced in the application of inquiry teaching in high school ideological and political courses, the students' inquiry is a mere formality, and the quality of teachers is not high. After studying the specific application strategies of the inquiry teaching of high school politics, this paper puts forward the subjectivity that should be followed in the development of the inquiry teaching of the ideological and political course. Motivational, interactive teaching principles and the development of high school ideological and political inquiry teaching must grasp the setting of the situation, ask questions, cooperate to explore, show the results. Study evaluation and reflection exercise five links to provide a reference for peer teaching and research. This is also the focus of this study. Finally, this paper discusses the ideological and political inquiry teaching should be paid attention to. How to carry out the high school political class inquiry learning, a relatively new way of learning. I hope this study can provide some reference for the high school ideological and political teaching.
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