本文关键词: 新课程 班级文化 班主任 角色 职能 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Class culture, as an extension of another form of culture, is not only an important part of class construction, but also an indispensable part of campus culture. It means that all the members of the class are in education and teaching in order to realize the educational requirements put forward by society and schools as well as their own development goals. It reflects the level of class building and directly affects the success or failure of each school's educational work, as well as the students' moral character and culture. In order to carry out the aim of the new curriculum, to carry out the educational reform-the requirement of quality education, to improve the comprehensive quality of the students in an all-round way, The role of class teacher plays an important role in the construction of class culture. There is a great space for research at the level of function and basic principle. In this paper, the author puts forward the topic of "Class Culture Construction under the New Curriculum Environment". After a lot of literature research and combining with the experience of teaching practice in nearly half a year, the author puts forward the topic of "Class Culture Construction under the New Curriculum Environment". By using the methods of literature research, case analysis, induction and summary, from the connotation and composition of class culture construction under the new curriculum environment of class culture, the restrictive factors of class culture construction in senior high school under the new curriculum environment are introduced. Under the new curriculum environment, the concrete contents of the high school class culture construction, the function and significance of the class culture construction are analyzed and demonstrated in the hope that under the guidance of the new curriculum concept, This paper holds that the construction of class culture should include three aspects: class material culture construction, class system culture construction and class spiritual culture construction. On the other hand, the head teacher is the leader and organizer of the class culture construction, the commander of the students' participation in the class activities, and the link between the school, the parents and the students. A sound class culture construction will have the function of education and guidance. Our campus culture should put the construction of class culture in the first place so as to play a better role in teaching. It is necessary to correctly understand the function and function of the role of the head teacher in the construction of class culture, gradually dispel the malpractice of exam-oriented education, and make the goal of quality education come true.
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