本文关键词: 校车制度 中美 比较 启示 出处:《河南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Children are the future and hope of our country. In recent years, school bus accidents have occurred frequently, exposing the various disadvantages of school buses in our country. The school bus problem has become a hot topic of public concern. It is urgent to build a perfect school bus system. In the United States, The school bus system, which has a history of nearly 200 years, has formed a relatively perfect school bus system and is a model to be emulated by most countries. This paper takes the comparative law and the literature method as the main research method, and takes the school bus system of China and the United States as the research object. Based on the international field of vision and on the basis of the existing literature, this paper makes a comparative analysis of some problems in the school bus system between China and the United States, and tries to find out the experiences that can be used in the construction of the school bus system in China. The school bus is used to transport the kindergarten. Primary and secondary school students who receive basic education go to and from school, and are licensed to carry passengers in accordance with the regulations. The school bus system has specific provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of the state from legislation, finance to concrete implementation. Since its birth in 1837, American school bus has gone through three periods: budding period, developing period and perfecting period. The research of Chinese school bus system started late, and its history is relatively short. The school bus system has not yet been perfected after its infancy and development. The contents of the school bus system mainly include legislative protection, safety standards, privilege of passage, operation mode, management mode, etc. Driver selection criteria and school bus safety education. Compulsory education concept, economic development level, education investment system, cultural tradition, government, society, school, etc. The market role is the factor that affects the school bus system of China and the United States. The American school bus system can be used for reference in our country: the government establishes the long-term mechanism of the school bus traffic safety propaganda, the school consummates the traffic safety responsibility system, Social media establish school bus safety propaganda column, families cooperate with schools to do well traffic safety work, jointly enhance school bus safety awareness, clear the role of the government as the main body of school bus services, improve school bus safety laws and regulations, To broaden the funding channels for school buses; to actively guide non-governmental organizations to participate in the school bus industry and strengthen third party supervision; to strengthen school bus safety education, to incorporate it into curriculum planning and daily management, and to establish a driver management system. To strictly examine and supervise drivers; to develop diversified management model and give play to the role of market mechanism.
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