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发布时间:2018-02-24 10:37

  本文关键词: 高中生 物理学习力 调查 策略 出处:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Physics in senior high school is one of the basic subjects of natural science in senior high school. Compared with junior high school physics, it has a higher level of difficulty and learning ability to students. Students should not only have abstract thinking ability to adapt to the analysis of physical problems. We also need to further improve our learning interests, learning self-confidence, physics problem-solving and learning creativity. As a new type of index for the cultivation of talented people in modern society, learning ability covers learning motivation, learning perseverance, and so on. Learning ability and learning creativity are related to all aspects of students' lifelong development. Improving students' learning ability in physics is beneficial to their lifelong effective learning. Simply put, it refers to the abilities that students should possess on the basis of lifelong learning. There are four primary elements of learning power: learning motivation, learning perseverance, Learning ability and learning creativity. Based on the effective research at home and abroad and the nature of physics, the four primary elements of learning ability are divided into thirteen secondary elements related to physics. The following are the following: physics learning interest, learning curiosity, learning motivation, learning self-confidence, learning persistence, learning self-control, physics thinking ability, physics thinking ability, physics experiment exploring ability, physics problem solving ability. Transfer and transformation, reflection and doubt, creation and invention. In order to understand the construction of physics in senior high school and the current situation of students' physics study, This research designed the related teacher interview questionnaire and student questionnaire. The subjects were selected from three county high schools in the Central Plains, and one key class was selected from each grade of grade one and two of senior high school. A general class was compared. The results of the survey were transformed into percentages by statistical software, and the data were quantified, the average score was calculated and the standard difference was calculated, and the horizontal and vertical analysis and comparison were carried out in combination with the figures. In order to grasp the overall level and category difference of students' physical learning, this paper analyzes the present situation of students' physical learning ability, and analyzes the current situation of students' physical learning ability. Teachers and schools give suggestions on how to improve students' physical learning ability from three angles, which provides a reference for improving students' physics learning ability in teaching practice in the future.


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