本文关键词: 历史教材 经部史料 存在问题 相关建议 出处:《陕西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The historical materials in the teaching materials are important materials for the history teachers to teach the historical materials, but there are many problems in the quoting of the historical materials in our current middle school history textbooks. Based on this, this paper tries to use the pedagogy. Based on the relevant theories and knowledge of historical bibliography, this paper studies the historical materials cited in four versions of senior high school history textbooks and five versions of junior high school history textbooks, and compares them with the relevant ancient books. Find out the problems existing in the history teaching materials when quoting the historical materials of the classics department, and further put forward some suggestions to solve the problems, This paper mainly includes four parts: the first part: the brief introduction of the economic department. It mainly includes the origin and development of the ministry, the classification of the historical materials and the important books and records of the department, in order to provide some help for the compilation of the history teaching materials and the teaching of the history teachers in the middle school. This paper mainly introduces the 13 classics. The second part: the current situation of the use of the historical materials in the middle school history teaching materials. The third part: the problems existing in the application of the historical materials in the middle school, this part is the focus of the whole text, mainly through the collation of the historical materials cited in the middle school history textbooks. To sum up and analyze the problems existing in the use of the historical materials in the textbook, including: incomplete citation, out of context, incorrect content, incomplete citation source, incorrect reading of quotation sentences, improper use of historical materials, and difficulty in quoting historical materials. Part 4th: some suggestions are put forward in view of the problems existing in the use of the historical materials in the middle school history teaching materials, such as strengthening the use of the historical materials of the economic departments, and using the historical materials in the textbooks to be correct and standardized. Finally, it is the conclusion that the importance of teaching materials to students and teachers should be emphasized again, the teaching materials should be more rigorous and standardized when quoting historical materials, and teachers should also improve their own professional quality. To ensure the correctness of the historical materials used in teaching, the text attached to the original text and its translation of the historical materials involved in the current history textbooks of middle schools is convenient for teachers to refer to in teaching.
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