本文选题:后“茶馆式”教学方法 + 教学实践 ; 参考:《贵州师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The new curriculum teaching standard requires that the comprehensive quality education of students be improved in an all-round way. How to remove the disadvantages of traditional spoon-feeding teaching, improve the quality of English teaching, and make the people trained in English education meet the needs of today's society. This is an important subject in front of the current English teaching staff. The post-" teahouse "teaching method emphasizes that in the process of teaching, teachers guide students to learn independently, create study groups, conduct class presentations, and exchange and discuss among students, so as to urge students to devote themselves to learning activities to the maximum extent in the classroom. Gradually cultivate students self-study, cooperation with people to achieve the goal of improving performance, independent learning. The post-" teahouse "teaching is dominated by efficiency, and students read the conceptual and cognitive content themselves by upsetting the order of classroom teaching in the past and making explanations in equal time than planned. The teacher only points out the principle content such as the difficulty, thus makes the classroom teaching exquisite. Undoubtedly, it is a scientific and effective method to introduce the "teahouse" teaching method into the reform of teaching curriculum for solving the problems in practical teaching and improving teaching efficiency. This paper applies the "teahouse" teaching method to junior middle school English classroom, and tries to study several questions about "tea house" teaching method in junior middle school English classroom, and attempts to study the implementation of post-" teahouse "teaching method in junior middle school English classroom. Test whether this teaching method can improve the students' English teaching achievement. 2) after summing up the "teahouse style" teaching method in junior middle school English teaching achievement and insufficiency, thus sums up the suitable teaching method. 3) raises the student to raise the question. Analysis of problems, problem-solving ability. 4) to enhance the professional development of teachers themselves. By comparing the results of pre-test and post-test between the experimental class and the control class, it is proved that the post-teahouse teaching method is effective in improving the English learning ability of junior high school students. In this paper, the students in the experimental class and the control class are divided into three groups according to their pre-test scores: excellent students, middle students and students with learning difficulties. The results show that the teaching method of teahouse can significantly improve the English achievement of secondary students and students with learning difficulties. Through the data analysis of questionnaire and interview results, it is shown that after the post-teahouse teaching, the students have raised their interest in learning English, changed the traditional methods of learning English and improved their English learning ability. The research results will provide reference for junior English teachers in improving students' English achievement and developing students' English learning ability.
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