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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:36

  本文选题:中小学生 + 生活方式 ; 参考:《温州大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Physique is the material foundation of life activity and life, study and work. The level of physical health determines whether people can study, work and live healthily, especially primary and middle school students. The life style and physical activity of primary and middle school students and their effects on health have attracted the attention of the whole society. But so far, interventions to improve physical activity in primary and secondary school students have been less effective than expected. It is necessary to consider many factors such as individual, family, school and society to change health-related behavior in complex environment, and the primary and middle school students have different characteristics of life than adults. This study adopts the methods of literature and questionnaire, taking the life style and physical activity status of Wenzhou primary and middle school students as the research object, analyzes the life style and physical activity status of the primary and middle school students, and probes into the influencing factors of the life style and physical activity of the primary and middle school students. Some suggestions on improving life style and physical activity are given, so as to provide reference for improving physical health of primary and middle school students. This study draws the following conclusion: 1. The life style of primary and middle school students in Wenzhou city showed a good trend on the whole, but with the increase of grade, the health habit, interpersonal relationship and coping style of girls were better than boys, and the scores of physical exercise of boys were higher than those of girls. There was no significant difference in other factors except coping style in Wenzhou urban area, and the coping style became stronger with the increase of grade; the scores of physical exercise of boys were higher than those of girls, and the interpersonal relationships of girls were better than those of boys. 3. The dietary habits, sleep status, study habits, entertainment activities, interpersonal relationships and life satisfaction of middle school students in Wenzhou urban area decreased with the increase of grade. In hygiene habits, coping styles and physical exercise increased with the increase of grade; female students' sleep status, hygiene habits, study habits and coping styles were better than boys. 4. The students' eating habits, learning habits and coping styles in Wenzhou urban high school increased with the increase of grade, but there was no significant difference in other aspects. The health habits and coping styles of girls are better than boys, and the satisfaction of physical exercise and life of boys is better than that of girls. The participation of middle and primary school students in physical education in Wenzhou was good, the morning running showed an upward trend with the increase of grade, while the class exercise and extracurricular activities showed a downward trend with the increase of grade. The school activity time is insufficient, the activity intensity is small. 6. Wenzhou urban primary and secondary school students go to school, go to school way to adopt the positive transportation mode that is walking, the proportion that rides bicycle is less. 7. The frequency of household chores of primary and middle school students in Wenzhou city decreased with the increase of years. Daily physical activity time is less, the intensity is low. 8. Wenzhou urban primary and secondary school students overall participation in physical exercise is not good, activity time is insufficient, activity intensity is small; the choice of off-campus physical exercise items is relatively concentrated; rarely with their families to participate in off-campus physical exercise.


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