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发布时间:2018-06-25 21:59

  本文选题:社会生活史 + 历史教学 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:There are four kinds of popular senior high school history textbooks in China: the people's edition, the Yuelu edition and the Beijing normal University edition. The compilation of these textbooks is based on the three modules of political history, economic history and ideological and cultural history. These three modules present a state of "three feet standing together." But there is a gap between the tripods. In the four versions of the teaching materials, the content of social life history is only two to three class hours, and the position in both classroom teaching and examination requirements is at the lowest level, so it is difficult to fill in the blanks. It is more difficult to realize the value of social life history. There is no trifle in history. In the subtle place often can see the social vicissitude appearance, the historical development true knowledge. The history of social life is a view of history from the bottom up. The social life history focuses on the history of "flesh and blood", advocates to pay attention to the ordinary people, pays attention to the changes of social style and features, also has an impact on contemporary life, and is closely related to the daily life of students, so it is more easily accepted by students. It is also more instructive for students' life. The content of social life history accords with the spirit of new curriculum reform and becomes the new favorite of college entrance examination. The author is a first-line history teacher in senior high school. The purpose of this paper is to take the practice of history teaching in senior high school as the cornerstone, the spirit of the new curriculum reform as the baton, the dynamic of the new college entrance examination as the direction standard, the method of literature research, the method of questionnaire investigation and the method of action research. The research methods and means, such as experience summarization method, have made some preliminary exploration on the implementation basis, present situation and teaching strategy of the social life history in senior high school history teaching from many angles, and have guided the teaching practice.


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