本文选题:自主学习能力 + 新课标化学教学 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the general implementation of the new curriculum standard, how to learn and how to make students establish efficient learning methods under the new curriculum standard concept has become the subject of many experts and scholars to study in the first place. The new curriculum standard points out that only by reforming the students' learning style can the reform in the real sense be initiated. At present, more high school teachers propose that autonomous learning will become the most effective way of learning for students. Therefore, the improvement of autonomous learning ability is one of the basic requirements of the new curriculum standard. In addition, the value of education lies in the overall development of a person's comprehensive quality. The purpose of autonomous learning is not only to improve students' academic achievement, but also to make a person adapt to the rapid development of society. In the future, the amount of information is huge. How to absorb, integrate and utilize knowledge requires people to have a strong ability of autonomous learning. As a high school teacher, I deeply appreciate the importance of learning style. The traditional teaching and learning method is that teachers blindly inculcate knowledge and students accept unconditionally. In this teaching mode, teachers feel tired of teaching and students feel that learning is difficult, which has a negative impact on the teaching of knowledge, which makes students hate learning under the influence of exam-oriented education and do not want to learn. To change this situation, we must change the relationship between teachers and students. The classroom is compared to the stage, the teacher is the director of the program, and the student is the protagonist of the performance. Based on the author's practice and experience in teaching in senior high school, this study makes clear the definition of autonomous learning by consulting relevant literature. Through the investigation and analysis of the students' autonomous learning ability in the parallel class and the key class in the first year of senior high school, it is shown that the students in the key class are better than those in the parallel class in setting goals, learning will, learning motivation, and self-efficacy. Learning strategies, self-reflection and evaluation and environmental factors all show strong autonomy. In view of the present situation of autonomous learning in parallel classes, an eight-step teaching strategy is put forward, and the teaching research is carried out in the set experimental class. The research data show that through the implementation of teaching strategies, the students' learning habits, learning styles and academic achievements in the experimental class have been obviously improved, which lays a foundation for their lifelong development.
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