[Abstract]:At present , with the improvement of cultural consumption level , there is a higher demand for art performance , and the scale of arts students as reserve force of artistic performance is expanding . However , high school art students in our country are more inclined to professional classes , do not like cultural classes and study comparatively lazy , which leads to the weak foundation of their culture course . At the same time , most of the students are self - centered , which is very contradictory to simple and rough classroom management , and likes the relaxed and pleasant humorous classroom atmosphere ;
On the other hand , the teachers of the art class , especially the young teachers , have not enough knowledge about the physical and mental characteristics of the art students in the art class because of the lack of knowledge about the physical and psychological characteristics of the art students .
The third is the preparation of the geography teaching platform for art students . Through these measures , the geography teachers can really do their own teaching , and change the students " I want to learn " as " I want to learn " the " My Music " , to improve the teaching quality of arts and students , to realize the comprehensive development of quality education and art students .
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