[Abstract]:With the development of quality education and new curriculum reform, comprehensive quality evaluation has become an inevitable requirement for the development of education evaluation. Based on the summary of the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior high school students and the analysis and research on the current situation of the implementation of the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior high school students, this paper draws lessons from the successful experience at home and abroad, and based on the relevant theoretical basis. This paper puts forward the systematic conception of implementing the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior high school students, summarizes the main outstanding problems existing in the implementation of the comprehensive quality evaluation, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the comprehensive quality evaluation. In order to establish an effective system to promote the overall development of junior high school students comprehensive quality and efforts. The main body is divided into five parts: the first part expounds the reason of this paper, literature review, research significance and research methods. Among them, the domestic part of literature review mainly introduces the research on the practice of students' comprehensive quality evaluation, the research of comprehensive quality evaluation, the study of comprehensive quality evaluation countermeasure, and the study of the significance of comprehensive quality evaluation. The second part introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis of comprehensive quality evaluation. Among them, the theoretical basis of comprehensive quality evaluation mainly includes multiple intelligence theory, Marxist theory on the all-round development of human, humanism theory, developmental evaluation theory. The third part is the case analysis and system conception of junior high school students' comprehensive quality evaluation. Case analysis mainly introduces the implementation of comprehensive quality evaluation in several regions of China, including Beijing, Dalian, Yunnan Province, Shaanxi Province, Shandong Province and so on. In the fourth part, the author summarizes some problems existing in the evaluation of junior high school students' comprehensive quality and analyzes them from three dimensions: design level, operation level and result level. In the fifth part, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior high school students, including: exploring the connotation of comprehensive quality evaluation, constructing scientific and reasonable evaluation index, standardizing the evaluation process, combining formative evaluation with summative evaluation; It is hoped to provide some reference and help to form an effective evaluation system for junior high school students by perfecting the evaluation system, doing well the feedback of evaluation results and strengthening the training of educators.
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