[Abstract]:With the implementation and deepening of the new curriculum reform of senior high school history, historical materials have been integrated into the current history teaching in senior high school. This change is bound to have a great impact on the teaching methods of senior high school teachers and the transformation of students' learning methods. It is very important for students to study history, understand history and explore history through historical data, that is, "from history" to "history from evidence", and the students' reading ability of historical data is very important. On the basis of summing up the research results of historical reading both at home and abroad, this paper makes a comprehensive study of the present situation of students' reading ability of historical data and the strategies of cultivating them in combination with the questionnaire and teaching practice. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part: introduction. This paper first emphasizes the importance of reading historical materials, then introduces the significance of the research and the current research situation at home and abroad, and then puts forward its own research ideas and specific research methods. At the same time, the concept of historical reading ability is defined, and the elements of historical reading ability are analyzed from three dimensions. The second part: the investigation and analysis of the reading ability of senior high school students. This paper investigates and analyzes the present situation of students' reading ability of historical data in senior high school, analyzes the present situation of students' reading ability of historical data from many angles and dimensions, and sums up the existing problems of students' reading ability of historical data through the statistics and analysis of relevant data. The third part: one of the strategies to cultivate the reading ability of historical materials: to grasp the classroom teaching. The key to improve students' reading ability of historical data in classroom teaching lies in teachers. They can cultivate students' reading ability of historical data from four aspects: arousing interest, structuring reading guide, studying and exploring, mastering methods. The fourth part: the second part: pay attention to extracurricular reading, reading and classroom teaching should go hand in hand with each other. The students' autonomous reading level is at a relatively low level, and the ideological depth and horizon width of reading are insufficient, which limits the improvement of reading ability of historical materials. Extracurricular reading can not only expand the basic surface of rammed reading, but also cultivate lasting good reading habits, which is conducive to the improvement of reading ability of historical materials. Part V: rethinking the implementation of training strategies. The training of students' reading ability of historical materials is focused on the implementation, this part of the implementation of the overall evaluation, and presents relevant teaching cases. Part VI: conclusion. The cultivation of students' reading ability of historical materials is a long process. This paper points out the shortcomings of this study and clarifies the problems and direction of further exploration.
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