[Abstract]:School-based curriculum development and practice is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the national three-level curriculum system, which is characterized by its full consideration of regional characteristics, subject characteristics, teachers' qualities, student basis, and so on, which can meet the individual development requirements of students. At the same time, promote the mutual teaching, promote the professional growth of teachers. Based on the relevant theoretical research and the practice of ocean school-based curriculum in Qingdao No. 39 Middle School in Shandong Province, this paper adopts the methods of literature review, case analysis, investigation, etc. This paper makes a comprehensive study on the development and practice process of the school-based curriculum, and demonstrates the positive influence of the opening of the school-based curriculum with marine characteristics on the students' individualized development, the cultivation of students' marine consciousness, and the professional growth of teachers. In order to do little for the development and practice of school-based curriculum. At the beginning of the article, the author mainly states the questions, the significance of the topic, the importance of developing the marine consciousness education in the middle school stage, determines the core concepts on the basis of the previous work, and enhances the credibility and scientific nature of the research. The ideas and methods of this research are determined. The second part, taking the development of 39 middle school high school marine chemistry school-based curriculum as an example, analyzes and summarizes the steps of school-based curriculum development, including the guarantee conditions of development, the training goal and content standard of curriculum development. The third part is the practical part of school-based curriculum, from the perspective of empirical research, the implementation of school-based curriculum status of follow-up investigation; The fourth part is the summary of the effect of school-based curriculum implementation, in the form of questionnaire and interview, teachers and students are summarized and reflected, and the problems in the implementation of ocean school-based curriculum are sorted out. In order to further adjust and improve the content of the school-based curriculum.
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