[Abstract]:In the early 1990s, Tim Johns first put forward the teaching model of data-driven learning, the purpose of which is to encourage students to discover the rules of language use instead of simply accepting it. So far, data-driven learning methods include two main categories: computer-based learning and paper-based learning. The former mainly depends on the computer to operate, has certain request to the learner's computer ability, generally suits the high level student, such as the university student and so on; The latter mainly depends on the paper materials prepared by the teacher before class to carry on the classroom study, which is suitable for the lower grade students, such as the middle school students, because of the low requirement of the students' computer level. This learning method helps to improve learners' ability to summarize and summarize, thus effectively mastering the exact language. There-be sentence structure is not only a universal form of existential sentences, but also an important knowledge point in junior middle school English. Its particularity has attracted the attention of many scholars, but most of them are purely theoretical studies, and only a few scholars study from the aspect of acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to study whether data-driven learning can promote the acquisition of There-be sentence patterns in middle school students. The control group will adopt the traditional teaching mode, while the experimental group students will receive data-driven learning teaching 20 minutes after each class. They will observe the printed materials prepared by the teachers in advance. The main problems of this paper are as follows: 1. What is the effect of data-driven learning on the acquisition of There-be sentence patterns in middle school students? 2. What is the impact of data-driven learning on the acquisition of high-score and low-group students? In this paper, two conclusions are drawn through experimental research. First, data-driven learning can promote the acquisition of There-Be sentence patterns for beginners. Secondly, under the method of data-driven learning, there are significant differences in the effect of There-Be sentence pattern acquisition between high score group and low group students. The acquisition effect of high-score students was better than that of low-score students.
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