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发布时间:2019-03-23 17:02
[Abstract]:The new curriculum concept advocates the cultivation of students' problem-solving ability. As an experimental-based subject, physics plays an important role in cultivating students' problem-solving thinking. In the actual teaching of teachers, students are also paying attention to the cultivation of students' abilities. However, in solving physics problems, students often encounter the situation that they can understand the contents of the teacher's lectures in class, but they do not know how to do it when they encounter the actual physics exercises. According to the analysis of students' problem solving steps and obstacles, besides the subjective factors of cultivating students, my main concern is how teachers can cultivate students' ability to solve physics problems in classroom teaching. As a kind of common teaching tool, situational creation method has been familiar and applied by teachers of various subjects in primary and middle schools. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of situation creation on the improvement of problem solving ability of junior high school students from the aspects of theoretical research and practice, as well as the reasons for the effect. There are four parts in this study, the first part is literature review, the main understanding of this issue at home and abroad. The second part is the preparation of the questionnaire on the problem-solving situation of the students, including the identification of the indicators of the students' problem-solving situation through interviews and documentation, the preparation of the questionnaire based on the indicators, and the issuance and recovery of the questionnaire. As the basis for the analysis of students' problem-solving situation. The third part is the main body of the study. After understanding the teaching contents of the chapter "buoyancy" and the analysis of students' learning difficulties, the teaching strategies of the part of buoyancy are determined according to the principles of situation creation, and the teaching design is worked out according to the strategies. Two classes of students from a junior middle school in Shenyang were selected as the experimental group and the control group. The experimental class adopted the teaching design created by the situation and the control class adopted the traditional teaching method. In the experiment, the classroom observation scale was used to observe the teaching situation. And before and after the experiment, the students' academic achievements and problem-solving situation were investigated. The fourth part is the data processing and conclusion, according to the classroom observation scale in the process of teaching, we observe the effectiveness of classroom teaching created by teachers based on the situation. According to the comparison of students' scores before and after, it is found that the creation of situation can improve the students' achievement to a certain extent. According to the comparative data before and after the questionnaire survey, it is concluded that the creation of the situation can promote the understanding and representation of the meaning of the question in the stage of solving the students' problems and the construction of the physical model. It can promote the application of physical laws in the process of seeking solutions, and play a certain role in students' correct understanding of expressions. After the practical research, the students and teachers are interviewed to understand the students' problem solving situation and the teachers' feelings in the process of practice.


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